Te (1,592), and ethyl 2-methylbutyrate (942).Sensors 2013, 13 Table three. Partnership amongst relative composition (RP) and odor activity values (OAV) of the important VOCs (n = 53) emitted from strawberry.Order A. Ester 1 two three 4 five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22Methyl acetate Ethyl acetate Methyl propionate S-Methyl thioacetate Isopropyl acetate Ethyl propionate Propyl acetate Methyl butyrate Methyl 2-methylbutanoate Isobutyl acetate Methyl isovalerate Ethyl butyrate Butyl acetate Isopropyl butyrate Ethyl 2-methylbutyrate Ethyl isovalerate Isoamyl acetate Ethyl valerate Methyl hexanoate trans-2-Hexenyl acetate Ethyl hexanoate Hexyl acetate Methyl octanoateConcentration (ester)CompoundsOAV (concentration/ threshold) SRD-0 SRD-1 SRD-3 SRD-SRD-SRD-Relative proportion * (RP, ) SRD-1 SRD-3 SRD-Odor type / descriptor SRD-0.Lomustine 64 1.82 0.42 58.six 0.02 7.53 168 218 0.02 24.9 six,160 0.18 4.95 942 1,592 21.four 21.9 30.1 0.90 3,608 54.7 0.16 12,0.63 1.63 0.52 80.4 0.11.52 51.three 0.24 0.01 7.65 0.19 12.five 132 0.19 3.54 686 0.14 993 405 43.five 0.73 103.7 2.34 2,453 0.2.55E-0.1.78E-1.22E-04 four.49E-4.93E-8.98E-0.three.21E-0.1.70E-0.02 0.01 1.9.93E-0.46 two.03 0.4.53E-1.30E-1.66E-0.9.08E-0.sweet fruita, grapea, get in touch with gluei, fruityl, pinapplel sulfurousa, cheesya0.7.54E-195 217 0.01 25.9 4,576 0.19 four.18 356 755 18.2 five.19 11.9 0.04 683 12.7 0.02 six,0.07 10.three.88E-1.30 1.1.47E-2.79 three.two.09E-6.2.56E-0.19 47.1.35E-0.37 65.2.68E-0.30 0.01 0.50 5.25 0.01 0.14 27.2 0.01 39.3 16.0 1.72 0.03 4.11 0.09 97.4.25E-04 six.90E-05 5.02E-04 1.52E-3.85E-0.03 5.1.98E-applea, fruityb, c, d, i, cheesei green applea, fruitya, sweeta strawberrye, light fruityi, floweryi fruitya, applea, pineapplea fruitya, b, c, d, e, i, sweeta, b, i, pineapplea, ester-likeb, strawberrye, cheesei, fruity sweetm, p, r, u fruitya, bananaa, applei, gluei fruitya, sweeta, pineapplea soura, cheesya, sweatya, fruityd fruitya, d, applea, pineapplea, sweet fruite3.1.31E-46.9 7.88 7.26 12.3 0.16 0.17 0.23 0.01 27.8 0.1.23E-72.2 1.3.57E-4.61E-03 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.1.79E-99.0.06 5.08 ten.8 0.26 0.07 0.17 0.001 9.77 0.18 3.45E-04 99.23.9 4.02 0.fruitya, b, i, pineapplea, ester-likeb0.fruitya, b, i, sweeta, pineapplea, ester-likeb, green appleb, fruit gumi fruitya, i, green applea, bananaa, i, applei, peari Sweet fruitye36.8 0.1.82E-0.06 0.67 0.14 0.20 five.Linaclotide 22 0.PMID:29844565 02 13.two 6.49 0.02 0.34 26.B. Alcohol Ethyl alcohol 1 Isopropyl Alcohol 2 n-Propyl alcohol 3 Isobutyl alcohol four Isopropenylethyl alcohol five 3-Methyl-1-butanol six 2-Methyl-1-butanol 7 n-Pentanol 8 1-Chloro-2-propanol 9 n-Hexanol 10 LinaloolConcentration or its RC (alcohol)three.37E-1.76E-1.74E-2.60E-2.52E-fruityl Sweet (candy)l Plasticl, badl bittere, harshe, k, Chemicalk, stalek, Alcoholicr, greenr, Fusel oils, pomaces Alcoholics, greens, Fusel oilt, pomacet0.01 0.04 0.02 0.03 58.4.92E-0.60 0.two.12E-0.97 0.1.84E-1.87E-4.10E-0.0.31 0.12 0.1.76E-0.02 0.01 27.four 27.0.08 0.03 27.0 27.1 1.22 117 1.three.45E-0.1.54E-04 9.16E-1.15E-03 1.05E-0.21 0.0.39 0.39 0.05 59.winey-fruityf, Greeni, k, r, heavyi, nutsi, grassk, freshk citrusa, fruitya, e, florala, floweryb, k, sweetb, lemonc, floral-lavenderf, rosekSensors 2013, 13 Table three. Cont.C. Aldehyde Acetaldehyde 1 Allyl aldehyde (Acrolein) two Methylacryl aldehyde 3 Isobutyraldehyde 4 IsovaleraldehydeConcentration or its RC (aldehyde)eight.eight.56.8.eight.56.3.92 0.03 0.21 0.01 0.46 4.2.90 0.04 0.39 0.09 1.09 four.6.70E-0.two.two.1.49E-0.3.01E-03 six.70E-0.two.0.23 two.39.four 0.54 five.31 1.27 14.9 61.green applea, fruityj, pungentj, chemicalk,.