White peer who had evaluated them favorably but not among those
White peer who had evaluated them favorably but not amongst these interacting using a DM1 Latina peer who had provided them the exact same optimistic evaluation. This pattern of findings supports our premise that suspicion of motives is associated to a rise in the perceived demands of ostensibly good but attributionally ambiguous interethnic interactions, top them to become seasoned as threatening (Mendes et al 2008). Experiment additional showed that suspicion of Whites’ motives predicted reactions to feedback controlling for basic interpersonal rejection sensitivity.Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author ManuscriptExperimentIn Experiment 2 we sought to test one more important theoretical premise: that suspicion of Whites’ motives for nonprejudiced behavior predicts increased threatavoidance as indexed by cardiovascular reactivity amongst ethnic minorities evaluated favorably by a White peer, but not amongst minorities evaluated unfavorably by a White peer. We also tested whether larger suspicion scores would predict enhanced selfreports of stress among participants offered constructive, but not damaging, evaluations by a White peer. Importantly, we did not count on individual differences in suspicion to PubMed ID:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25295272 predict reactions to adverse evaluations since the SOMI scale is precise to perceptions of Whites’ motives for engaging in optimistic, nonprejudiced behaviors. We anticipated minority participants who received negative interpersonal feedback from White evaluators to show a challengeapproach pattern of cardiovascular reactivity, irrespective of suspicion. In line with the biopsychosocial model, a challengeapproach pattern of cardiovascular reactivity is linked with each negativeJ Exp Soc Psychol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 207 January 0.Major et al.Web page(e.g. anger) and constructive (e.g eager) high arousal emotions (Mendes et al 2008). Consistent with this theorizing, prior study identified that both Black and White participants evaluated negatively by a member in the other race showed challengeapproach cardiovascular reactivity (Mendes et al 2008). Finally, in Experiment 2 we examined no matter if SOMI predicted threat following optimistic feedback above and beyond individual differences in stigma consciousness (Pinel, 999). Stigma consciousness assesses chronic expectations of getting negatively stereotyped on the basis of group membership. Approach ParticipantsSixtyseven selfidentified Latina female college students (Mage 9.07 years) participated in exchange for course credit or payment. All met physiological criteria for inclusion (see Experiment ). Sixtythree had previously completed the 0item measure of SOMI on the web ( .7). SOMI scores ranged from 2.eight to 2 with a mean of .42 (SD .0). Participants also completed a shortened version from the Stigma Consciousness scale (Pinel, 999) on the net before the experiment (e.g “When interacting with other folks, I really feel like they interpret all my behaviors with regards to my ethnic group membership;” .69). Stigma Consciousness and SOMI have been positively but not significantly correlated, r .6, p .20. Equipment malfunctions resulted in a failure to effectively record cardiovascular information for eight participants throughout the interview phase of the experiment and 0 participants during the memory job phase. This resulted in complete data for 55 participants throughout the interview phase and 53 participants throughout the memory process phase. Posthoc power evaluation indicated that this sample had 40.47 ( .05) energy to detect a significa.